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Web Data Extraction

The internet is considered to be a powerful source of gathering various kinds of information. Collecting the significant and factual information can help you to develop informed business decisions. The process of web data extraction is helpful for retrieving the data for the purpose of processing.


If you are looking to collect the data from various sources and need any assistance in categorizing, Data Entry Export is the highly recommended place to meet your requirements at a low cost. Today, data extraction is one of the prime necessity in every organization and thus, the information is supposed to be stored in a complex manner in varied formats and location. Our web data extraction services will help your firm to generate the right decisions and will make your productivity more efficient and organized. Our team possesses an excellent knowledge of the various data extraction methodologies.


The Web Data Extraction Services offered by us are:

  • Searching the internet and reporting

  • Educational material search

  • Search for business information

  • Search for management information

  • Compilation of the website lists, email lists, and contact information

  • Carrying out market research to get an insight into your competitor’s price and products

  • Extracting the meta-data information from the websites

  • Gathering all the information pertaining to your business via online news portals and PR websites

  • Extraction of data from the database with the help of database query

  • Extracting the data from consumer blogs and forums


To produce the best result, our team of web data extraction professionals follows certain steps:

  1. Phase 1 – Analyzing the business process, infrastructure, and the database design

  2. Phase 2 – Proposing a suitable data extraction model which is essential both in terms of affordability and performance

  3. Phase 3 – testing of the data extraction model for detecting any loopholes via quality-enriched testing methods

  4. Phase 4 – Implementing the customized version of our data extraction methods on your database setup.


To get an in-depth knowledge of our web data extraction services, drop us an email at

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