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Data Mining

Data mining is a task of converting the data into meaningful and valuable information. It is generally described as an organized process of identifying the critical information which is incapable of being observed by the human brain. It involves the analysis of data from a large set via a computer-aided process.


In today’s business scenario, data mining helps a firm to enhance their efficiency in varied manners. Spacebeam DataExperts Consultancy is a renowned service provider of data mining services to all the valuable clients spread across the globe at an affordable price.


The collected data is examined according to the prevalent market conditions to enable prediction of future opportunities. Our team is skilled enough to accurately interpret the data which can assist the organizations to formulate informed business decisions.


Our Data Mining Services includes:

  • Extracting the data from the scanned documents

  • Extracting the meta-data from the website

  • Creating a list of target websites

  • Extracting and summarizing news stories from the online news sources

  • Pre-processing of the data from your warehouse

  • Collecting the data from the websites to excel spreadsheets

  • Mining process for various website’s products, prices, and descriptions

  • Extracting the precise and updated information about the pricing strategy of your competitors

  • Online synchronization for varied databases

  • Online searching for the pricing information

  • Collecting the information from websites or the LinkedIn profiles

  • Market trend monitoring

  • Data mining for customer segmentation

  • Data mining for fraud detection

  • Image and financial data mining


Our team follows a systematic data mining process, utilizing the contemporary software and technology to deliver the desired result. The process includes six major phases:

  • Obtaining the dataset requirement from the client

  • Data sourcing

  • Collecting the data

  • Getting the relevant data in the format requested by the clients

  • Performing the quality check

  • Delivering the final data output to the client


The Value of Data

Spacebeam DataExperts Consultancy helps clients turn their data into insights. We oblige to convert your valuable data in to reliable information which will, in turn, help your organization in the decision-making process. We translate either structured or unstructured data into actionable information to business endeavors.

We provide step-by-step guidelines, tasks, and objectives for every stage of the data mining process.


Our data mining services ensure useful results by:

  • Understanding your business needs for data mining and thus framing objective for data mining

  • Understanding your data, describing your data and collecting those data for mining

  • Preparing data for data mining process by removing unnecessary data

  • Selecting modeling techniques and assessing models that generate useful information

  • Evaluating the result of the model generated

  • Assessing deployment of the model result

Our Data Mining Service Application:

Spacebeam DataExperts Consultancy has served and/or serves following industries in applying data mining:

  • Real Estate

  • Utilities

  • Retail

  • Banking and Financial Institutions

  • Telecommunication

  • Media


Our experience has helped a number of companies to generate useful information from mere data and our professionals are trained to work closely with company people and successfully carry out the above six steps to build a solution.


To get a free quote, kindly contact us at

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